Motivating and Inspiring Hereford Locals to Look, Move & Feel Better, Be More Confident and Achieve Fitness Goals in a Fun, Friendly Environment

To discover how we can help you get your fitness and motivation levels back and take back control of your health and energy levels simply click on the button below to find out more and speak to one of our team members.

Why Our Members Choose Us

Inclusive Supportive Community

Constant support from all members in the gym, regardless of age, ability & gender.

Unrivalled Accountability and Support

The OP24 system will hold you accountable for your actions and will always be there with a helping hand.

Life Changing Results

OP24 will educate you in all domains of health, not just your gym session. Recovery, nutrition, social community and motivation.

To Transform Your Life and Take Back Control of Your Fitness

Step 1

Click here and find out how we can help you

Step 2

Speak to one of the coaching team

Step 3

Follow the Optimal Performance System

Step 4

Look, Move & Feel Better!

Discover how we can help you get your fitness and motivation levels back and take back control of your health and energy levels

Success Stories from Our Community

Before training with Max, I felt unfit and overweight! I was concerned about how long it would take to achieve my goals. However, training with Max was a very positive experience! I have since, lost 7kg of body fat, gain a better body composition and improved my 5k running time (this was a big goal of mine!). The main thing I enjoyed most about Max’s training style was the slow progression that was almost unnoticeable but over time, I was improving all elements of my health and wellbeing, as well as performance indicators! I am very grateful for Max’s assistance! 

Rob / 59 / Hereford

I have had the pleasure of training with both Ruby and Max over the years of being a Hereford fitness enthusiast. They both have an endearing ability to bring out the best in me and everyone in the session!! I was extremely pleased with the delightful news that they were joining forces and opening a gym together!! I have no doubt in my mind that the training, community and facility will reach / exceed my expectations! 

I cannot wait to become a member!

Jane / 41 / Hereford

Ruby has been my trainer-in a group of three for over seven years. I turned up in my late fifties, a former casual runner with no upper body strength and Ruby set about building up my overall fitness and strength. She is a fantastic coach, pushing me in an encouraging and subtle way. Never shouting, although gradually stretching me to take me outside my comfort zone. Thus, enabling to get better and feel I have achieved something.

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I struggle to motivate myself to go to a gym and train alone, and if I did I would do a few reps and won’t to leave. Although, Ruby inspires me to do my best, to push myself and to go the extra reps. Sessions and work outs have plenty of variety so I always look forward to going even if it means setting an early alarm now I’m retired. She never makes me feel bad about myself and takes into account injuries and limitations while helping me to do the best I can. I can’t recommend training with Ruby highly enough.

Anna / 72 / Hereford

OP24 Can Help You

At OP24 we understand you are the kind of person who wants to be the healthiest version of yourself. In order to be that way, you need to create healthy habits to help you lose weight, get strong, get fit and move better. The challenge is, conflicting information about what to do to get the results you want! Which makes you feel lost and confused.

We believe transforming your health and fitness is as simple as creating healthy habits. We understand you may have tried and failed in the past, or are currently doing so. That’s why our program is designed to take you through the process step by step to ensure that this time you get the results you want from the work you put in.

Here’s how it will work; speak to a member of our team, follow the Optimal Performance System to look feel & move better. Click on the link, so you can stop procrastinating on your health and fitness goals and start working towards the best version of yourself.

Features & Benefits

Why OP24?
Co founded by Max and Ruby, we are a results based gym. Due to our combined 30 years experience in the industry, we have done all the hard work in how to optimise peoples health and welbeing so we can save you the mental calories and trust our process. The commercial gyms are usually great on price but don't quite offer the whole package...we aim to provide the whole package.

Expert Coaching
Every session is coach led, so you will never be left in the gym on your own, not knowing what to do. This ensures quality movement, resulting in less injuries so you can achieve your health and fitness goals.

Community and Support
Yes, of course we want you to achieve your health goals and will be there every step of the way. Although, a huge pillar on a healthy lifestyle is community. So we will ensure that you have plenty of fun along the journey. You will be welcomed into a tight knit group of people who are always striving to be better, whilst having a laugh along the way.

Want do we want?
Our main aim is to give our members the tools, guidance and motivation to achieve their fitness goals. This is to save the stress of doing it alone!

What is OP24?

Op24 actually stands for, Optimal Performance 24. Our aim is to help you achieve your daily optimal performance through the full 24 hours in the day. This means that our memberships includes a hollistic approach to health, such as mindset coaching, sleep & hydration guidance, nutrition tracking & mentoring, mindfulness....that's not even everything!! You'll have to get a membership to find it all out ;)

Optimal Performance 24 6-Week Trial

Our 6-week trial is designed to help you experience everything our gym has to offer with no long-term commitment. This one-off payment gives you full access to our training environment, expert coaching, and a structured approach to help you build a solid foundation in your fitness journey.

Throughout the trial, we’ll guide you in establishing a routine, building healthy habits, understanding rest and recovery, and determining the right training frequency for you. You’ll also go through a movement screen and gain valuable education on why we train the way we do.

You’ll be working closely with our high-end coaches, who will help tailor the experience to your needs and find a routine that works best for you. This is your opportunity to see if our community and training style are the right fit, without any contracts or ongoing commitments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be fit?

This is probably the most common question any gym owner / instructor gets asked. Our job is to guide you to become fit, or fitter. Please do not worry, we start by building the foundation blocks with you and if you already know the foundations then that's great, we'll keep building.

What if I register and change my mind?

You'll get your money back. No hassle and no hard feelings. Sometimes it's not the right time for the gym or it may just not be for you...our door will always be open if you change your mind.

How much is a membership?

We are highly confident in the package we will be delivering and are looking for people who are willing to invest in their health and fitness and in turn reap the results. You would not have attended any other gym like ours and we know it is worth every penny. If you’ve got this far, please send us your interest via the link above so you can chat with one of our coaches to see if we’re the right fit for your health and fitness goals.

Discover how we can help you get your fitness and motivation levels back and take back control of your health and energy levels